©2021, MGE Broker. All Rights Reserved.
Brokerage Company, enrolled to the section B of the RUI (Registro Unico degli Intermiediari) with number:
B000671535 on 12/10/2020 and subject to the control of IVASS.
Face with serenity all the activities of the construction site, both in Italy and abroad in compliance with the reference legislation with our policies Contractor's All Risks (C.A.R.), Erection All Risks (E.A.R.) and Postuma Decennale (Ten Years Insurance Warranty).
With MGE Broker srl you can choose and customize the most suitable coverage to the needs of your business, covering any material and direct damage to the works under construction, including damage to third parties.
©2021, MGE Broker. All Rights Reserved.
Brokerage Company, enrolled to the section B of the RUI (Registro Unico degli Intermiediari) with number:
B000671535 on 12/10/2020 and subject to the control of IVASS.